
by design


Discover how sustainable packaging can enhance your brand image, reduce costs, and drive innovation.


NowPac’s suppliers hold the following certifications

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

This certification is crucial for paper-based packaging. It ensures that the paper products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits.

FSC logo

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)

Similar to FSC, SFI certification applies to forest products, including paper and wood packaging. It ensures that the forestry practices meet specific sustainability criteria, promoting responsible forest management.

Sustainable forestry initiative logo

Understanding FSC certification: why it matters for sustainable packaging

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests.

The FSC certification is your assurance that our packaging materials meet rigorous environmental and social standards. By choosing NowPac, you contribute to responsible forestry practices and help create a more sustainable future.

a photo of boxes made with sustainable cardboard
a photo of a wind farm representing sustainability
cascades logo

Recognized for environmental excellence: our impact with Cascades Recovery+


Mature trees saved


Bathtubs of water saved


Household of energy saved (kW h)


Bins of garbage diverted from landfill

Why sustainable packaging matters for your business

Meet consumer demand

Appeal to eco-conscious consumers with sustainable packaging solutions that align with their values.

Ensure compliance

Stay ahead of evolving environmental regulations and avoid costly penalties with our expertise in sustainable packaging practices.

Optimize costs & efficiency

Reduce waste, optimize resource usage, and streamline your supply chain for a more efficient and cost-effective operation.

Improve brand reputation

Enhance your brand image and attract environmentally conscious consumers with sustainable packaging that reflects your values.

Gain a competitive edge

Differentiate your brand with innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that set you apart from the competition.

Strengthen partnerships

Build stronger relationships with major retailers like Costco, who increasingly prioritize sustainable suppliers.


Your packaging questions answered.

What are NowPac's sustainability initiatives?

We're committed to reducing waste, optimizing energy use, and sourcing responsibly. We also partner with organizations like Cascades Recovery+ to track and improve our environmental performance.

Do you offer sustainable packaging solutions?

Yes, we prioritize sustainability and offer a range of eco-friendly packaging options, including recycled materials, biodegradable options, and innovative designs that minimize waste.

Can you help me make my packaging more sustainable?

Yes, we can! Our team of experts can assess your current packaging and recommend sustainable alternatives. We can also help you develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy for your packaging.

What certifications do your suppliers hold to ensure sustainable sourcing?

Our suppliers hold reputable certifications such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), ensuring that our materials come from responsibly managed forests.

How does NowPac measure its environmental impact?

We regularly track key metrics like energy consumption, waste generation, and water usage. We also participate in third-party audits to verify our sustainability claims.

What sustainable packaging materials do you offer?

We source materials like recycled cardboard, paperboard, and bio-based plastics. We can also explore custom solutions tailored to your specific sustainability goals.

Let's discuss your packaging needs

Elevate your brand with NowPac's compliant packaging solutions. 30+ years of expertise delivering unmatched service and results.