Our certifications

Certified for Excellence

Our certifications

Compliant with both Health Canada and the FDA, we adhere to the highest standards of safety and regulatory requirements, ensuring that your products meet industry specifications every step of the way.

Our certifications
Our certifications
GMP Compliant

Our facility adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines, ensuring product safety, quality, and consistency.

FDA Drug License

Our FDA registration and audited facility allows us to repack and relabel drugs for the US market.

FDA Food License

We are registered with the FDA, ensuring compliance with food safety standards for products distributed within the United States.

Drug Establishment License (DEL)

We are authorized by Health Canada to repack, label, distribute in Canada.

Precursor License

With a Health Canada Precursor License, we are responsible for securely handling and storing chemicals that have higher-than-average potential for abuse or addiction

Natural Health Product (NHP) Site License

Our Health Canada Site License authorizes us to provide contract packaging services for natural health products.

Safe Food for Canadians License (SFCR)

We are licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), demonstrating compliance with strict food safety regulations.

A worker inspecting products

Your packaging questions answered

Why are certifications important for contract packaging?

Certifications demonstrate adherence to rigorous quality, safety, and regulatory standards, ensuring consistent and reliable results.

What certifications does NowPac hold?

NowPac holds GMP, Health Canada Site License, Drug Establishment License, and Safe Food for Canadians License certifications.

How do your certifications ensure the quality and safety of my products?

Our certifications validate our commitment to quality control, process validation, and adherence to industry best practices, minimizing risk and ensuring your products meet the highest standards.

What are the benefits of working with a certified contract packager?

Working with a certified contract packager provides assurance of product safety, quality, regulatory compliance, and access to specialized expertise.

Let's discuss your packaging needs

Elevate your brand with NowPac's compliant packaging solutions. 30+ years of expertise delivering unmatched service and results.